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Chamber Music

A prize winning chamber musician, Nicholas Hatt is a founding member of the Velox Quartett, which is an Ensemble-In-Residence at the Emerald Coast Chamber Music Festival and Institute.   The Emerald Coast Chamber Music Festival is a nonprofit organization devoted to the performance of classical chamber music, while the ECCMF Chamber Music Institute seeks to train emerging artists and further their skills in chamber music.  Nicholas currently serves as the Executive Director, Co-Artistic Director, and Artist Faculty of the organization.  The Velox Quartett was formed during the 2017 Scotia Festival of Music and takes their name from the Latin word for “swift”, indicative of their immediate bond upon forming as a group.  Please contact Nicholas Hatt for more information about the Emerald Coast Chamber Music Festival and Velox Quartett, or vist the organization's website at:


His other chamber performances have included collaborations with Max Mandel, Joe Philips, Lynn Stodola, Brian Suits, and Kenneth Slowik.  Nicholas has had the distinguished honor of performing in Scotia Festival of Music's Highlight Concert Series on multiple occasions and led a nonet comprised of both students and resident artists of the festival.    He is an alumnus of the chamber music program at Le Domaine Forget International Music and Dance Academy and the Young Artist Program through the Scotia Festival of Music.  Both organizations helped to develop Nicholas' aesthetics in chamber music performance.  His biggest influences were former chamber coaches and mentors James Ehnes, Andrew Armstrong, Giora Schmidt, Max Mandel, Elissa Lee,

Shannon Thomas, and Andrea Houde.

Velox Quartett with coach James Ehnes

Velox Quartett with coach James Ehnes

Velox Quartett with coach Andrew Armstrong

Velox Quartett with coach Andrew Armstrong

Velox Quartett with coach James Ehnes

Velox Quartett with coach James Ehnes

Members of Velox Quartett with coach Giora Schmidt

Members of Velox Quartett with coach Giora Schmidt

© 2020 by Nicholas Hatt

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